Tag Archives: kávé

Coffee Movi.

Valentus was founded in 2014 and has been growing by 35% month over month in gross sales. This is largely attributed to the products selling themselves because, they work! This makes it a great opportunity for people wanting to build an additional line of income by simply sharing great products like these Prevail Beverages! Like most direct sales companies, the earlier you join, the more opportunities present themselves. The Global Valentus team is committed to you and your future success and can provide training materials and coaching to help make your home-based Valentus business take off! To see if this is the right opportunity for you, watch the short video:http://www.ValentusMovie.com/laszloracz below and then take a free tour by clicking the link below. Visit us http://www.ValentusRotator.com/laszloracz
Thanks!László Rácz

Emlékeim a kávéról.

Kávé ahogy én megismertem.

kávészemek nyersenA kávé legelső élményem még gyermekkoromhoz kapcsolódik.

Édesapám 1967 ben hozott nyers babkávét és otthon serpenyőben pirította meg.A kávénak érdekes illata volt ahogy így vissza emlékszem.A darálással is probléma volt mert a mákdaráló nem volt képes finomra őrölni a kávét.A háromszor átdarált fekete őrleményt forró vízben megfőzték és egy kis hideg vízzel felöntötték,hogy a zacc leüljön.Szét öntötték a poharakba és cukrot adtak hozzá.Emlékszem ahogy kóstolgatták a feketét.Az arcokon furcsa fintorok jelentek meg.Volt olyan kóstoló aki sok cukrot rakott a poharába és már kanállal is ki tudta szedni a kávét.


Később már a boltban vásároltunk pörköl kávét ami egészen más volt mint a saját pörkölésű kávénk.Az illata nagyon vonzó volt de gyerekként nem ihattam csak szagolhattam.A poharak alján maradó cukros szirupot azért kikanalazgattam amikor nem látták a szüleim.A kíváncsiság minden gyerekben benne van és utánozzák a felnőtteket.

kave törökösen.


Most már tudom,hogy akkoriban úgy főzték a kávét mint a Törökök.A sötét ital erős és minden csersav benne volt.Ennek a kávának az elkészítéséhez is gyakorlat kellett mert nem mindegy milyen forró vízbe rakjuk és meddig főzzük a kávét.A főzésnél gyakran kifut ha nem figyeltünk rá.

Kávé darállóA frissen darált kávénak nagyon intenzív kellemes illata van.

kávé főző kotyogóA legelső kávéfőzőnk egy kotyogó volt.Szerettem hallgatni ahogy szuszog kattog majd sípol és a konyha megtelt kávé illattal.Minőségileg sokkal finomabb és kellemesebb aromájú ital lett mint a Törökös kávé.

Kávét főzök mindig eszembe jutnak a szüleim akik már nem kávézhatnak velem.

Apám anyám.

Ma már teljesen másként iszom a kávémat.Van gépem ami darál gőzöl és csak egy gombnyomás és már folyik a finom illatos habos kávé.Kávéfőző gép Saeco

Most egy új fejezet kezdődött az életembe és a gépnek csak a forróvizes részét használom.Reggelente bekapcsolom a poharamba szórom a Slimroast kávét és engedem rá a forró vizet.Ezt a kávét itt találod.http://www.GetSlimWithCoffee.com/laszloracz

Köszönöm a megtisztelő figyelmedet!

Elérhatőségem: fakanal1@gmail.com



Italian Dark Roast Coffee

It’s No Secret That Losing Weight Is No Easy Task, Which Is Why Millions of People Struggle With It Every Day.We Want To Make It a Lot Easier. That’s Why We Created SlimROAST™ Italian (Dark Roast Coffee)

Formulated with natural appetite suppressants, feel good ingredients and detox components SlimROAST Italian is a great addition to your weight management program.

Not only will you find managing your weight with SlimROAST will produce exciting results, but you will love the taste of this delicious Italian dark roast coffee.

Controls appetite
Regulates sugar absorption
Regulates fat absorption
Promotes brain health and focus
Elevates mood


Valentus is a direct-to-consumer organization that designs, manufactures and markets exclusive products. Valentus does not believe in get rich quick programs. They believe in hard work, dedication, adding value and serving others. As stipulated by law, Valentus cannot and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with their ideas, information, tools, compensation systems or strategies. Your results in business are up to you and solely determined by your efforts, resources, connections, dedication and application. Nothing in this document or any of the websites is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and Valentus does not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. * Results may vary.

Dark Italian Roast Arabica Coffee.

Brazilian Dark Roast Coffee 

Valentus is excited to share ourSlimROAST® Brazilain healthy coffee innovation; along with our other Prevail™ line of functional beverages. A new favorite among coffee drinkers, Valentus’ BrazilianDark Roast Coffee is infused with functional ingredients that make up our proprietary formula that tastes amazing!

SlimROAST® Brazilian

*SlimROAST™ Brazilian images are for illustration purposes only.  NEW Packaging to be released late 2017!

Active Ingredients

Non GMO Dark Roast Coffee, Chlorogenic Acid, Garcinia Cambogia,Phaseolamin, Phenylethylamine HCL, Green Tea Extract, Cacao, L-Theanine.

Other Ingredients

Natural Flavouring, High Oleic Sunflower Oil, Acacia Gum, Brown Rice Syrup, Silicon Dioxide, Sunflower Lecithin, D-Alpha Tocopherols. Does NOT contain any dairy, wheat, soy, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish or MSG.


SlimROAST  Ingredient Benefits*

Garcinia Cambogia

An incredibly efficient fat burning ingredient, Garcinia Cambogia has received much media attention for it’s effect on weight loss and food consumption control. This pure ingredient is 100% natural; it is sometimes referred to as Tamarind, and it grows primarily in the lush green mountains of India, southeast Asia as well as in Central Africa. Its primary ingredient is the dietary super supplement known as HCA, which is proven in scientific studies to stop hunger in its tracks. The tamarind fruit has traditionally been used in soups as appetizers before meals, because of the smaller portion sizes due to limited amount of food. It’s appetite suppression qualities helped make villagers feel more full (satiety) and the fruit would increase the workers’ fat burning skills (thermogenesis) providing an increase in energy and productivity.


Organic, raw cacao is a superfood containing a variety of unique phytonutrients, including high amounts of sulfur, magnesium and phenylethylamine. These characteristics provide many benefits, such as focus and alertness, while also keeping you in a great mood. These properties help in the reduction of stress and also increase the sensation of fullness, reducing hunger and cravings. Cacao contains MAO (monoamine oxidase enzyme inhibitor) which is able to reduce appetite by increasing serotonin and other neurotransmitters in the brain that help to decrease appetite and hunger.


Theanine is an amino acid found in green tea, and is probably the reason why drinking green tea help in weight loss. Studies have found that weight gain is prevalent in people who are emotionally stressed. This is a biological response of our metabolism and leads to cravings and overconsumption of food. When stressed, we produce increasing amounts of a hormone called cortisol. This is a natural response that is intended to help in survival, which as a consequence also leads to increased fat storage. Theanine neutralizes stress, by reducing anxiety and improving the quality of sleep. It does this by increasing the alpha waves in your brain, which relaxes the mind.

With these problems removed now your body:

  • Won’t store all the fat you eat
  • Won’t resist weight loss
  • Won’t give you increased feelings of hunger

This ingredient combines with an enzyme in the body called alpha-amylase – which is involved in the digestion of starch – and helps to temporarily block its activities. Alpha-amylase is secreted in saliva and is produced in the pancreas, and is responsible for breaking down starch into simple sugars, which can then be absorbed in the small intestine. Blocking this digestive enzyme prevents the digestion of carbohydrates, which means they are able to pass largely undigested through the gastrointestinal tract. The end result is a decrease in the number of calories absorbed, thereby helping to promote weight loss.

Phenylethylamine HCL

Also known as PEA, Beta-Phenylethylamine or 2-Phenylethylamine, is a supplement used for different purposes, among them cognitive enhancement, mood improvement, weight loss, and as a concentration aid.

It naturally occurs within the nervous systems of humans and other mammals, where it is thought to act as a type of neuromodulator. Within the human brain it causes the release of norepinephrine and dopamine, two very powerful brain chemicals involved in attention and alertness.


Green Tea 100:1 Extract

Green tea contains 2% to 4% caffeine, which affects thinking and alertness, increases urine output, and may improve the function of brain messengers. Caffeine is thought to stimulate the nervous system, heart, and muscles by increasing the release of certain chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters. Antioxidants and other substances in green tea have been shown in studies to help protect the heart and blood vessels additionally.

Chlorogenic Acid

This is the main active ingredient in Green Coffee Bean, it is a powerful thermogenic fat burner. It holds promise in many aspects of health and cognition similar to bioflavonoids and shares some effects similar to caffeine, but less potent. Studies show that Chlorogenic Acid may also decrease the absorption of dietary carbohydrate, as well as provide anti-oxidant benefits.

Dark Brazilian Roast Coffee

It is also known as the “coffee shrub of Arabia”, “mountain coffee” or “Arabica coffee”. Arabica coffee is believed to be the first species of coffee to be cultivated. The earliest credible evidence of either coffee drinking or knowledge of the coffee tree appears in the mid-15th century, in the Sufi Muslim monasteries around Mocha in Yemen. Arabica coffee production in Indonesia began in 1699.

High-quality Arabica is beautifully fragrant, sweet and round, with a slight and pleasant acidity, with just a mild hint of bitterness.

Health and Vitality.

Healthy Never Tasted SO GOOD!|

With Valentus Prevail Products, people all over the world are experiencing a new kind of health and vitality.

Formulated with purest natural ingredients from some of the most pristine locations on the planet, we pride ourselves not only on creating product that get results, but on creating products that are good for your body.

From our flagship product that many are calling the best health product EVER, to our super-antioxidant Immune product, Prevail Energy™  &  Prevail Trim™ and NOW the introduction of PrevailMAX™ and Breakthrough Am/Pm™.  The Prevail line of products by Valentus are second to none!

And as if the health benefits weren’t enough, just wait until you taste these amazing drinks. They are delicious!


Prevail SlimROAST™

Formulated with natural appetite suppressants, feel good ingredients and detox components SlimROAST Italian is a great addition to your weight management program.

Not only will you find managing your weight with SlimROAST will produce exciting results, but you will love the taste of this delicious Italian dark roast coffee.

Controls appetite
Regulates sugar absorption
Regulates fat absorption
Promotes brain health and focus
Elevates mood

Breakthrough Am/Pm™

The AM Prevail BREAKTHROUGH formula contains ProDura® Bacillus coagulans, a spore-forming probiotic bacterium that is superior to non- spore probiotics. It will help lower cholesterol and lactose intolerance while raising HDL levels and lipid status.

The PM Prevail BREAKTHROUGH is a wholefood, powerful nutrient drink designed to detoxify. It has traditionally been used in herbal medicine as a diuretic and laxative to help treat digestive disturbances. This formula may help the body combat an overgrown Candida yeast infection, increase nutrient absorption and increase overall metabolism.

A quarterly regimen (every 90 days) is designed for ease of use, and only 12 days are needed to provide the optimal environment for digestion and detoxification. Start drinking! Your body will thank you.

Prevail Energy™

Organic cane sugar, Inulin dietary fiber, Citric acid, Potassium citrate, Natural cherry powder, Natural blueberry powder, Stevia (leaf), Natural flavor, Natural caffeine from coffee bean, Guarana seed powder, Maqui berry powder, Green tea powder, Gotu kola powder, Maca (root) powder, Rhodiola Rosea powder, Siberian ginseng powder, Natural color.

Directions:  For a healthy energy boost, tear packet and mix contents with 12-16 oz. of water. For maximum energy, mix two packets with 12-16 oz. of water.

ENERGY Boost Ingredients Benefits

A healthy way to get an energy boost in a healthy way.   Energy is great for athletes, drivers, students and afternoon slumps.

Prevail Trim™

Inulin dietary fiber, Rice bran powder, Xylitol, Citric acid, Stevia (leaf), Natural pineapple powder, Natural orange powder, Natural lime powder, Natural caffeine from coffee bean, Garcinia cambogia (with HCA), Raspberry ketones, Maqui berry powder, Annatto powder, chromium


Simply open packet and mix contents with 12-16oz. of water. For maximum weight management results, drink one Trim 3 times per day.


Inulin dietary fiber, Organic cane sugar, Citric acid, Natural grape powder, Stevia (leaf), Potassium citrate, Aloe vera powder, Pomegranate powder, Grape skin powder, Panax Ginseng powder, Ganoderma Lucidum powder, Beta glucan powder, Mangosteen powder, Noni fruit powder, Goji berry powder, Natual flavor.


Simply open packet and mix contents with 12-16oz. of water. May be used every day to support a healthy immune system, or when feeling of colds of sickness are coming on.


Csoda coffee.

Mi kell a csoda kávéhoz?Fél liter forró víz és ezeket keverd bele Dark Roast Instant Coffee, Green Coffee Bean Extract, Cassiolamine Extract, Garcinia Cambogia Extract, Phaseolamin, Green Tea Extract, L-Carnitine Fumarate, Natural Caffeine, Cissus Quadrangularis Extract, Ginseng Extract.
Ha nem sikerül minden alkotó elemet beszerezned vedd meg összekeverve a weboldalamon:http://www.ExperienceValentus.com/laszloracz

Merci Valentus sékerNyomógomb


Phaseolamin supplements are typically taken before eating foods that contain carbohydrates. There are many diet pills available that contain this ingredient along with complementary ingredients designed to suppress the appetite and boost the metabolism.

This ingredient combines with an enzyme in the body called alpha-amylase – which is involved in the digestion of starch – and helps to temporarily block its activities. Alpha-amylase is secreted in saliva and is produced in the pancreas, and is responsible for breaking down starch into simple sugars, which can then be absorbed in the small intestine. Blocking this digestive enzyme prevents the digestion of carbohydrates, which means they are able to pass largely undigested through the gastrointestinal tract. The end result is a decrease in the number of calories absorbed, thereby helping to promote weight loss.

Csésze kávé babszemekkel.Nyomógomb



L-theanine is a naturally occurring amino acid found primarily in green tea leaves. It does an excellent job at relaxing without being a sedative making it an excellent choice to pair with stimulants.

Theanine is an amino acid found in green tea, and is probably the reason why drinking green tea help in weight loss. Studies have found that weight gain is prevalent in people who are emotionally stressed. This is a biological response of our metabolism and leads to cravings and overconsumption of food. When stressed, we produce increasing amounts of a hormone called cortisol. This is a natural response that is intended to help in survival, which as a consequence also leads to increased fat storage. Theanine neutralizes stress, by reducing anxiety and improving the quality of sleep. It does this by increasing the alpha waves in your brain, which relaxes the mind.

zöld teafalevel



Brazilian slimroast coffee.

Organic, raw cacao is a superfood containing a variety of unique phytonutrients, including high amounts of sulfur, magnesium and phenylethylamine. These characteristics provide many benefits, such as focus and alertness, while also keeping you in a great mood. These properties help in the reduction of stress and also increase the sensation of fullness, reducing hunger and cravings. Cacao contains MAO (monoamine oxidase enzyme inhibitor) which is able to reduce appetite by increasing serotonin and other neurotransmitters in the brain that help to decrease appetite and hunger.

